Our Story
Calvary Chapel Hastings started in 2006 in the lounge of Doug and Lisa Keen, it quickly grew and the congregation met in local community halls before our church family found a permanent home in the Duke Road building. Here we gather for worship, breaking bread and prayer. At Calvary Chapel you will find a strong emphasise on teaching the Word of God and follow a verse-by-verse expositional approach. For full details of our statement of faith click here.

From 2006 - 2021 we have seen a move of God among people in Hastings. God used Pastor Doug Keen and his wife Lisa to start our fellowship and they faithful served HIm for 15 years. Lives have been transformed through the work of the church, people have come and gone, learnt, loved, been saved by grace and grown in faith.

In June 2021 Doug Keen handed over the keys to Calvary Chapel to Tommy Fretwell and his wife Sarah who will continue to faithfully serve the Lord in the church, teaching His word, ministering to the church family and prayerfully seeking direction from God on how we can best serve Him for His glory. Tommy continues to teach verse by verse through the Bible and runs a Theology & Apologetics Podcast.